Recommendations on management of maintenance and technical inspection of road tunnels

This report aims at presenting best practice for technical inspections as well as for the maintenance of equipment in road tunnels ranging from electromechanical systems to communication systems and operational devices.
The scope, goal and types of maintenance are defined in Chapter 1.
Chapter 2 presents advantages and drawbacks of a maintenance strategy based on preventive actions versus one based on a corrective approach. After deciding on the strategy of maintenance, the tunnel operator has to draw up a maintenance plan outlining all the tasks to be carried out, their frequency and other details on how to intervene. Dynamic and evolving over time, the maintenance plan will be the reference for all actions of maintenance done by internal staff or through subcontractors.
Chapter 3 is dedicated to technical inspections. Methodology, areas to be covered, inspection plan, rating system, inspection report are presented comprehensively. A glossary as well as the 3 approaches to subcontracting work maintenance (tables) can be found in the appendix.
Information sheet
- Date: 2012
- Author(s): Comité technique AIPCR C.4 Exploitation des tunnels routiers / PIARC Technical Committee C.4 Road Tunnel Operation
- Domain(s): Road Tunnel Operations
- Type: Technical report 2012R12EN
- PIARC Ref.: 2012R12EN
- ISBN: 978-2-84060-279-2
- Number of pages: 45